Monday, September 30, 2019

The Role of Group Work in Enhancing Speaking Skill

The Role of Group Work In Enhancing Speaking Skill In Primary Level The Role of Group Work in Enhancing Speaking Skill in Primary Level Effective language skills are essential for children to access the curriculum. In the classroom, spoken language is the primary medium through which teachers teach and children learn. In developing their speaking skills, children need to learn to adapt their talk to the listeners; use a range of ways to express themselves; use talk to clarify their ideas and sustain their talk to develop thinking and reasoning.It is expected that when children start primary school, they will be able to understand much of what is said, express themselves clearly, share their feelings and make their needs known. This level of proficiency in speech, language and communication is critical to the development of a child’s cognitive, social and emotional well-being. Speaking should include putting thoughts into words and sharing in groups; taking opportunities to spe ak at some length to explain ideas in different situations; giving a talk or presentation using gestures, aids and rhetorical devices.This paper will explore the different types of group work and its mechanism of enhancing the speaking skill in the primary level. This will be done through reviewing different research made in this field. The purpose of this paper is to look closely at the importance of group work in the early stages to enhance the speaking skill of students. Group Group work is a very important part of our culture and life; and businesses now look at team work skills when evaluating any employee. Therefore, it is important for both, students and teachers, to learn to function in a group work environment.Research indicates that students learn the tasks better through involving oral interaction, in group, which is based on a real attempt to find a collective solution to problems. We chose to explore this area to find out if group work serves as a meaningful activity fo r students to focus on meaningful negotiation and information exchange. We are very much concerned with getting students to talk and to stimulate their interest and imagination. Since group work can improve learning and is a much needed skill in enhancing speaking skill, it should be exercised regularly in the classroom.Annotated Bibliography: The Role of Group Work in Enhancing Speaking Skill in Primary Level Baines, E. , Kutnick, P. , Blatchford, P. (2009). Promoting effective group work in the primary classroom: a handbook for teachers and practitioners. USA and Canada: Routledge. This handbook explores how pupil group work can be made more effective in support of children’s learning. It is based on a research study, known as the Social Pedagogic Research into Group work (SPRinG), which developed and evaluated a new approach to group work in primary schools. Boussiada, S. (2010).Enhancing students’ oral proficiency through cooperative group work: the case of 3rd yea r LMD students of English at Constantine University. Master’s Thesis, University of Constantine, Algeria. In her study, Boussiada explores the effects of cooperative group work on improving learners’ oral proficiency and communicative skills. She is mainly concerned with making use of pair or small group to maximize learners? oral production. She also attempts to shed some light on the importance of establishing a relaxed and friendly environment as an attempt to get learners to use the language.Lee, W. (2008). Speech, language and communication needs and primary school-aged children. I Can Talk Series, Issue 6, 13-18. Retrieved March 21, 2012, from http:// www. ican. org. uk/~/media/Ican2/Whats%20the%20Issue/Evidence/6%20Speech%20%20Language%20and%20Communication%20Needs%20and%20Primary%20School%20aged%20Children. ashx This report outlines the nature and extent of Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN) in primary schools, what this means for children and thei r families and what can be done to ensure primary school is a positive, enriching experience for children with SLCN.Richards, J. (2008). Teaching listening and speaking: from theory to practice. NY: Cambridge University Press. Richards explores approaches to the teaching of listening and speaking which have undergone considerable changes in recent years, and their implications for classroom teaching and materials design. His goal is to examine what applied linguistics research and theory says about the nature of listening and speaking skills, and then to explore what the implications are for classroom teaching Jones, L. (2007). The student-centered classroom. NY: Cambridge University Press.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Ceres Gardening Company Case Study Essay

1. How has the company grown? What is its basic strategy + how has it evolved? What have been the key factors in the company’s growth? The growth of the company has been fueled by the market demand growth in organic products. Ceres increased their revenues by over 75% in just five years, while growing profits by over 25% (based on Exhibits 2, 3 & 4). Ceres’s basic strategy started with its founder, Jonathan Wydown, to promote sustainable organic gardens and landscapes to environmentally conscious consumers. Mr. Wydown has been a proponent of soil preservation, biodiversity, and natural fertilizers and pest control. Mr. Wydown was confident that the same principles behind organic farming would eventually apply to home gardens and lawns. Mr. Wydown’ s vision evolved into the creation and development of a market niche of selected certified organic seeds and seedlings for vegetables, culinary herbs, and flowers – bringing the farm to the home per se. This market niche and products became the company’s differentiator and competitive edge. The key factors that drove the company’s growth are: * Market demand and segmentation – Ceres developed a market niche for organic-conscious consumers who are concerned about the environment. Although products are priced at a higher premium, the value from the company’s environmentally conscious go-to-market strategy and segmentation allowed Ceres to develop a loyal consumer community. * Product Offerings – Ceres expanded its products offerings to include open-pollinated, organically grown, and heirloom varieties of seeds and seedlings for vegetables, culinary herbs, and flowers. The company also added live plants, such as one-year-old trees. * Production Strategy – Ceres’ principal farm was located in central  California. As the demand for Ceres’ products increased, Ceres’s production capability was challenged. To keep up with the increased demand, Ceres developed a network of small, independent organic farms, offering them a commitment to purchase goods in exchange for an exclusive supplier relationship. These further strengthened Ceres’ production capability. * Distribution Channel – In the early years, Ceres operated primarily as a mail-order catalog company. This was their main distribution channel. The operation was ran well and valued for its quality, reliability, and hands-on customer service. Moreover, Ceres provided a free bimonthly company newsletter, which included gardening tips, introduced new products, and created a sense of community among the expanding customer base. This alternative marketing expanded Ceres’ channel from one time purchase to future incremental (post-sale) revenues. Eventually, Ceres expanded its channels to include retail channels, and direct sale through a sales force model. * GetCeresâ„ ¢ Program – enabled the average nursery or garden center to stock a sufficient inventory of Ceres’ products to meet the seasonal demands of the customer. If a retailer ran out of seasonal products, the customer would probably not return later, thus a potential loss of sale. Essentially the program meets the challenge of having the plenty of stock of the right product in the store at the right time based on consumer attitudes, behaviors, and preferences. The program also provided incentives to retail storeowners by offering deep discounts to carry inventory and extended payment plans. 2. Questions 3.1. How is Ceres’ financial health? Which specific items in the supplemental financial statements + which ratios might you calculate/research to help you assess its financial health? The financial health of Ceres is excellent and continues to show a positive trend from 2002 to 2006. (Please refer to Table 1) * Current Ratio shows Ceres’ ability to pay short-term obligations. The current ratio indicates that the company would be able to cover its liabilities in 2002 2 times over. * Quick Ratio measures Ceres’ ability to meet its short-term obligations with assets excluding inventory. The quick ratio indicates that Ceres would be able to cover liabilities 1.6 times over. * Debt Equity shows Ceres’ financial leverage and its aggressive posture in financing its growth with debt. The company could potentially generate more earnings than it would have without this outside financing. This indicates that even with Ceres’ expansion of distribution channels, extension of payment terms, and the creation of a direct sales force, Ceres was able to manage to stay below 1 with a mean average of .74. * Inventory Turnover shows an efficient turnover of inventory. Ceres does not hold inventory for long periods of time, which can incur additional costs by having assets sit without revenue generation. It shows Ceres’ ability to manage inventory in a seasonal cycle and further indicates their ability to forecast demands on product movement. * Accounts Receivable shows Ceres’ effectiveness in extending credit as well as collecting debts. The extended payment terms appear to be working. The prompt collection of debts enables Ceres’ to use the monies to reinvest into the business. 3.2. What should Ceres’ strategic plan be, given the trends in the organic gardening market? A move forward strategy is a renewed focus on market penetration and diversification of product portfolio. As the CMO, Annette O’Connell reported, â€Å"Growth in organic gardening products is strong, and the trends should support long term growth.† Market Penetration – capitalize on the movement from wholesale organic farming to weekend home gardeners and food service industries. While Ceres can continue to cement their market share in organic farming, the weekend gardener and food industry market are prime market niches. To reach these markets, Ceres has to diversify its product portfolio. Product Portfolio Diversification – Ceres’ has to consider diversifying its product portfolio from materials (i.e. seeds, samplings, 1-year-old fruit trees, etc.) to services and solutions to help organic farmers, food service industries, and weekend gardeners on the â€Å"how to’s† of organic gardening. You not only sell the seeds but also help the consumers manage the gardening process thus providing Ceres a â€Å"market differentiator† as a one-stop consumer experience. 3. How would you evaluate Ceres’ marketing efforts? Should the Ceres program be expanded? Why or why not? The GetCeresâ„ ¢ Program is a sound marketing plan but can be fraught with challenges if not managed effectively. The main purpose of the program is to address inventory and â€Å"enable the average nursery or garden center to stock a sufficient inventory of Cere’s organic products† by having the right products in the stores at the right time. Bottom line – help Ceres increase sales by helping business partners manage their inventory. With that said, stores and business partners are not willing to carry inventories on their books if they are not able to churn it appropriately. To alleviate angst and potential cost exposure, Ceres extended their payment terms from 75 to 90 days to 120 days and a 15% discount the storeowner or business partner agrees to hold a minimum stock inventory. To help protect Ceres’ average gross margins, it successfully raised prices slightly on most of its products. 4. Questions 5.3. In your opinion, did Ceres hire the right CMO? What role did that play in its financial situation? In our opinion, Ceres hired the right CMO. Through the CMO leadership, distribution channels were expanded from mail order catalog to an expanded network of storeowners and retail merchants. The CMO further increased their market reach by developing a direct sales force and the appropriately compensation plan. Inventory was managed efficiently through the introduction of the GetCeresâ„ ¢ Program. Overall, the company’s debt equity, inventory turnover, and accounts receivable ratios showed a positive trend and continue to forecast a better future. 5.4. Why is it important to ensure that you hire someone who is the â€Å"best fit† – for a position? It is important to hire someone who is a best fit because of the notion of a â€Å"shared vision† and â€Å"common values.† A strategy remains to be a strategy without the proper tactical execution. Both Wydown and O’Connell agreed,  Ã¢â‚¬Å"The best way for Ceres to build its competitive position would be to push even more aggressively† to increase profits and lower margins by expanding distribution channels and market footprint. O’Connell had a background in retail and consumer packaged goods. This was the â€Å"best fit† for Ceres’s CEO, Jonathan Wydown whose strategy for growth was to move from a mail order catalog model to building a retail presence. Wydown and O’Connell believed that Ceres’ reputation for quality and customer service would give the company an advantage over the competition. 5. If you were CEO Jonathan Wydown, what would you plan to say during your upcoming meeting with the bank – regarding Ceres’ growth prospects + cash flow projections for 2007 and the near future? During the upcoming meeting with the bank, the focus should be given on the debt equity, inventory turnover, and accounts receivable ratios and how well the company has managed its operations over a sustained period (i.e. 2002 to 2006). From the Balance Sheet provided, it is evident that operational, financing, and investment cash flow is positive. The market-projected growth is 8% to 10% per year. Ceres has kept pace with the overall industry, but Ceres has to review its financing model to sustain their own growth in the market they chose to compete in order to continue having a competitive edge. As such, the bank discussion should center on the increase of revolving credit and capitalization of investments to continue to fund the retail distribution model.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Hygiene and Young People

‘Your health, safety and welfare are protected by law.’ Everyone working with children and young people must be aware of their legal obligation in relation to keep children safe and healthy. (Source: Health & Safety Executive, 1999)Health and safety legislation at work Act 1974:Setting with five or more employees must have a written safety policy which must include specific procedure to cover emergencies such as accidents and events that require evacuation of the building (Fire event) Setting with five or more employees must carry out a risk assessment Employees must provide for health and safetyDisplay a health and safety laws poster or supply employees with a booklet Make your work place as safe as possibleDecide how to manage health and safety if the business has five or more employees COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002): The employers are required to ensure all dangerous materials, cleaning material, medicines are kept separately in a m arked, locked cupboard. RIDDOR (Reporting injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995): This means all setting must provide an accident report book. Any injury that requires a member of staff to take more than three days off work must also be reported. Food safety (General Food Hygiene) Regulations 1995:The setting which prepare or provide food for children must register with the Environmental Health Department of the local authority. The people who have handling food should undertake the Basic Food Hygiene Certificate. Food handling Regulations 1995Washing hands before preparing foodMaking sure the surfaces and utensils you use are clean and hygieneFood is  stored safety at the correct temperatureDisposing of waste hygienicallyUse of chopping boards, separate sinksPolicies and Procedure:Children and young people will always take a risk from running, playing but all children and young people have right to play to develop their skills and new experience. There are policies and procedure to protect and reduce risk that will happen to children and young people. Every child care setting will have policy documents which cover SafetyHealth and Hygiene Safety at arrival/departure times and on outings Prevention of illness and first aid Fire prevention Staffing ratios and supervision Risk Assessments Policy.A large number of everyday things that may appear harmless or go unnoticed but could be dangerous A range of areas from the condition of toys and equipment to hygiene and cleanliness to access to children by members of the public Must be suitable, sufficient and reasonably practicalAccording to legislation, policy and procedure as showing above, in my setting (school placement) they are implemented by the school has a fire exit at the front door. There are several risk assessments for several areas in school. At the front door, there is a registered book for staffs and visitors to sign time in and out and purpose of visiting. After lunch time, f ood area has been clean and tidy up all tables and chairs to keep children safe. All toys have been kept in place and safe, study resource and materials are kept in cupboard. There are sinks in classrooms for washing hands.2. Describe how health and safety is monitored and maintain in the setting. Health and safety is monitored and maintain in the setting by: Visitors register book, record time in/out, purpose and who they want to meet Teacher  and all member of Staffs register book, teacher and all members record time in/out Pupils register book, checking pupils in class, morning and afternoon Lunch time staff, monitor pupils at food areaTeacher/member of staff at the school gate, morning and after school Teacher/member of staff at the playground and play area every break times3. Describe how people in the setting are made aware of risks and hazards and encouraged to work safely. In the setting, teacher and all members of staff, volunteer must be made aware of risks and hazards a nd encouraged which is in school health and safety policy. The school role and Staff handbook are written by head teacher in the setting, staff handbook is held by teacher each class.Risks on internet in the setting is controlled by teacher, if pupils in class access on Facebook, YouTube and etc. websites that may be harm to pupils, teacher able to switch off computer immediately from teacher’s desk. To protect bullying, there is anti-bullying poster throughout school, poster show how to protect and prevent risks on internet includes the children help line number.Fire is the most frighten pupils and may harm their life, the setting made aware of this risk assessment, pupils can follow fire instruction poster which is throughout school when fire alarm appear. In this situation, teacher will lead pupils to fire exit door which is located at every classroom to school yard and line up at the meeting point. Pupils must be registered by their teacher at the meeting point.The meetin g among Head teacher, member of staff and parents after school time will be made 2-3 times a year, the meeting will be discussed how to solve problem and sharing information between school and parents.4. Identify the lines of responsibility and reporting for health and safety within the setting. Head Teacher is in charge for accident events, Food Hygiene and Head Teacher’s secretary ensure a risk assessment has been following by staffs who work in the school. By the way all staffs who work in the school have been trained to keep children safe and reduce harm in the  school.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Samsung Electronics Global Marketing Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Samsung Electronics Global Marketing - Case Study Example The paper tells that in the context of globalization and increased competition among the multinational companies, the fight for market share both in domestic as well as in international markets is very intense. Identifying the opportunities is the key to success. The â€Å"New Management Initiative† started by then president Lee has helped Samsung to perform well during the Asian Crisis. Corporate restructuring, major resizing of the organization increased emphasis on manufacturing through vertical integration, technological leadership in consumer electronic goods is the key strategy framework that helped Samsung to increase the sales revenue and profitability of the organization. Reinvestment of profits in R&D, manufacturing and supplying chain activities are clear winning strategies to compete with companies like Sony, GE, and Intel etc. Being a quality player as well as introducing innovative products without losing cost-effectiveness is a prime focus for most companies. Th e brand image of Samsung is not well known in international markets. Increasing the brand visibility and strength in technology products will help Samsung to be top in the marketplace. Global marketing and building the brand in the international marketplace is one of the main challenges a Chief Marketing Office. As a path to achieve high profitability and be one of the top players in the international consumer goods market Samsung has to develop strategies regarding efficient market planning and attract several consumer segments.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Joy Luck Club versus Moveable Feast Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

The Joy Luck Club versus Moveable Feast - Essay Example Significant cultural similarities and differences emerge in the two texts, especially with regards to interactions in the family, friendships, and in marriage. Cultural differences and similarities between the French culture, which is presented in Ernest Hemingway’s A Moveable Feast, and the American culture, which is presented in Amy Tan’s The Joy Luck Club, have a great influence on social relationships, especially in families, friendships, and marriages. In Amy Tan’s The Joy Luck Club, the writer highlights some of the conflicts that ensue between Chinese immigrant mothers and their American-raised daughters, thus pointing to the cultural gap between the mothers and their daughters. A Moveable Feast narrates everything from the weather and Boulevards to places such as cafes in Paris, and people; it is an intricate tale of love and loss, and the passing of time in Paris. The main similarity between the American culture and the French culture as portrayed in The Joy Luck Club and A Moveable Feast is that both the Americans and the French place value on autonomy and personal happiness. The novels reveal a lot of instances where the characters are closely engaged in fun and merry-making, experiences, which are not only gratifying, but also memorable due to their extrinsic nature; individuals in both cultures enjoy the freedom of will and choice, and there are no restrictions to live whatsoever. Personal happiness and freedoms are cultural ideals that are highly valued in both the French culture and the American culture, and friendships, family, and marriages in those cultures are strongly embedded in these notions. Nonetheless, stark differences between the American culture and the French culture are also revealed in the two novels; for instance, whereas the French culture as presented in A Moveable Feast reveals high tolerance on loose morals and manners of others, the American culture is very strict on morality.

Questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 34

Questions - Assignment Example Examples of this knowledge obtained are records structures and routines. Tacit knowledge is exclude as it cannot be manipulated (Metaxiotis, 2010) 9) Intelligent decision support systems could improve the quality of medical care and reduce the cost of health care. After reading this chapter and other sources, answer this claim. What types of decisions will be improved by an IDSS in health care? The types of decision improved by an IDSS in healthcare are prescriptive and descriptive decision-making that are applied in rational decisions such as diagnostic, data collection, problem identification, and classification, as well as scanning procedures. Push technology is an internet based communication system that allows transaction request from a central web publisher. The two advantages are instant transmission of information with reliable and secure delivery and the efficient server connection to send contents providing end-to-end visibility (Metaxiotis, 2010). Metaxiotis, K. (2010). Intelligent information systems and knowledge management for energy: Applications for decision support, usage, and environmental protection. Hershey, PA: Information Science

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Can other parts of a crime lab be as scientific as the DNA lab Essay

Can other parts of a crime lab be as scientific as the DNA lab - Essay Example Many police and anti-crime organizations the world over still rely on fingerprint evidence to track down a criminal but this technique has recently been put into doubt. Part of the reason is that new DNA technique is more accurate and reliable but most organizations lack the expensive equipment and expertise to do DNA testing. However, experts claim fingerprinting is not 100% fool-proof or reliable. Overview of fingerprinting – the first-ever precedent-setting criminal case in which the only evidence of fingerprints left at the crime scene was used to convict a suspect was the Rojas murders; this was a case in Necochea, Argentina back in 1892 in which the mother killed her two young children but originally accused her neighbor of the twin murders. However, when she was confronted with the incriminating evidence of bloody fingerprints on her door post, she admitted to the crime. Prior to fingerprinting, there was also the Bertillion system that had utilized a set of body measurements to identify and classify people; it was named after Alphonse Bertillion who was a French anthropologist. However, the famous case of Will West – William West in which two people had the same measurements, had almost the same names also and almost identical facial features (based from their photographs) called his systems reliability into question and caused doubts among criminologists. Fingerprinting was found to be reliable than the Bertillion system, in the same way that DNA testing is today more reliable than fingerprinting. Basic scientific principles – the method of fingerprinting was first developed by a great British anthropologist named Sir Francis Galton who first suggested the use of fingerprints based on the uniqueness of very minute details. It was another Englishman named Sir Edward Henry, assigned to Bengal, India as inspector general of the police during the

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Analysis of Macro and Micro Environment of Microsoft Corporation Research Paper

Analysis of Macro and Micro Environment of Microsoft Corporation - Research Paper Example   The company, founded by Bill Gates and Paul Allen in 1975, revolutionized the concept of personal computer usage by introducing the Graphical User Interface (GUI) Windows Operation system in 1985. Microsoft Corporation, working with a vision of seeing a computer at every desk and in every home, operates in over 60 countries.  Ã‚   For a company to make correct strategic choices in crafting its long-term business strategies, it should gain a clear understanding of the organizational environment. The trends in the macro environment will not only indicate current market conditions but also the long-term implications, which the company should gear itself to intercept in the future (Thomson & Strickland 2003). Macro environment analysis can be facilitated by a PESTLE analysis, which assesses Political, Environmental, Social & Cultural, Technological, Legal and Economic influences, which bears upon the organization. Some of the current developments in the Political environment include the liberalization of closed economies and the greater level of foreign trade. While this opens up new markets like China, it also fuels competition from the likes of India offering cheap outsourcing options. Recent turbulent conditions marked by escalated terrorist attacks disrupt the overall operations of the world markets. The political instability is also curbing the potential for industrial development, which is crucial for the growth of companies such as Microsoft Corporation.   

Monday, September 23, 2019

Analyze a companys online strategies Research Paper - 1

Analyze a companys online strategies - Research Paper Example This one of the reason the ships are popularly known as fun ships (Carnival Cruise Lines, 2012). has been in existence for over 18 years now and it is graded at number 8,333 globally. This is an indication that the website is visited by many people at a particular time period. The website has a value of about USD 8,651,845 and daily advertising revenue of USD 1,229. The website is very fast with an optimal load time for the pages of a bout 1.981 seconds. The page ranks 7 of 10 with about 327,600 daily page viewers. Presently, the site requires over 59.3 GB of daily bandwidth on top of the monthly 1.80TB that is also needed. Besides, the site has an SEO score of 79.3% and an IP address of The server of the site is hosted at Miami in the United States. The site is quoted in DMOZ, Yahoo directory (Greenburg, 2009). Carnival Cruise lines has a strong on-line marketing channels such as the blog of Carnival which has over one million visits in the recent times. This includes the which has the same features. As a founder in the arena of on-line marketing the new novels by Carnival web-based projects are formulated to give a great proficient and novel ways of getting out to the customers and travel agents who can easily get accessed to the different channels in a more convenient way. The customers have less to pay for the online services such that they only pay for the internet browsing which makes the services available and affordable by the majority. Moreover, the visitors are given unique outlook of the company and its products while at the same time obtaining them with appropriate tools for research and vocational planning. This kind of promotion has taken cruise’s fun ships to the highest level of unique experience. Some of the fresh web-based marketing initiatives comprise of a blog by John Heald which was initially invented as a section of

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Attitude Towards Women Fathers and Sons Essay Example for Free

Attitude Towards Women Fathers and Sons Essay To analyze the attitudes towards the women question and the most useful starting point would be to look at the representation of the liberated woman, Yevdoxia Kukshina, which can be contrasted with the representation of Bazarov’s mother or Nikolai Kirsanov’s wife, the women ideals of the older generation. Kukshina is clearly meant to the representative of the radicalism of the 1850s to1860s, â€Å"the progressive, advanced or educated woman : nigilistka or nihilist woman† (Richard Stites). She has ‘vowed to defend the rights of women to the last drop of my blood’ and is scornful of Sand ‘an out of date woman’. She has separated from her husband and plans to go abroad to study in Paris and Heildelberg. She thus, personifies the emergence of new objectives and tactics among the Russian emancipees of the early 1860s. However, it is also quite obvious that while much has been written about Turgenev’s attitude towards his nihilist hero, there is no doubt that the female nihilist Kukshina is an unflattering caricature and as Walter Smyrniw quotes â€Å"Turgenev has deliberately portrayed Kukshina as a ludicrous and repulsive emancipee.† Walter goes on to argue that in his portrayal of Kukshina, Turgenev lampooned only certain undesirable tendencies generated by Russian emancipees. The worst among them was a lack of genuine involvement, an inadequate commitment to the movement itself. Some merely assumed the roles of the emancipated women and hence their behaviour was both contrived and unnatural. Although many critics have argued along the same lines of Turgenev’s portrayal of Kukshina as a device for irony â€Å"the progressive louse which Turgenev combed out of Russian reality† (Dostoevsky) and that he has assumed the same sentiment in respect to Russian men who merely assumed the pose of materialists and nihilists (eg. Sitnikov), it is hard to escape that in the description of her person and household we find some of the stereotyping of radical women found in most conservative writing. He did not hesitate in expressing value judgments when ridiculing the pretentiousness and hypocrisy of Russian women who merely played the role of emancipees. She is dirty and slovenly in her habits and person, her room is scattered and dusty, her hair disheveled and her dress crumpled. Moreover, her conversation and behaviour is meant to ‘show’ us that her radicalism is shallow and unaffected. The narrator ‘tells’ us that she greets her guests with a string of questions without waiting for answers. It is important to notice here the narrator’s generalization here, which would seem to impute lack of serious concern (feminine casualness) to all women as part of their feminine nature and not to Kukshina as an individual. The narrator draws repeated attention to Kukshina’s unattractive physical appearance almost as if that were partly her fault. Kukshina is unfortunate enough to show her gums above her top teeth when she laughs and her piano playing revels her flat-cut fingernails. However, what is most significant in terms of the dominant patriarchal ideology of the mid-nineteenth century Russia is her declaration, â€Å"I’m free, I have no children.† From a conservative perspective, this would count as near sacrilegious statement. Though Bazarov himself is a serious character, its possible to read Sitnikov as a parody of the younger generation. At Madame Kukshins, the narrator tells us To Sitnikov the chance to be scathing and express contempt was the most agreeable of sensations (13.44).

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Identify And Describe Types Of Business Entities Business Essay

Identify And Describe Types Of Business Entities Business Essay Business can be defined as an organization that provide goods and services to others, who want to do or need them, when people think of business careers, they have to think of job in large wealthy corporation, there are wide verity of career areas in business line. Definition of business Entities: Business Entity is an organization that possesses a separate existence for tax purposes. Some types of business entities include corporations and foreign corporations, business trusts, limited liability companies, and limited partnerships. Types of Business Entities; A business entity is the vehicle  a person or group of people use to carry on a trade or activity. There are fore main type of Business Entities, sole trader partnership limited liability partnership limited liability company reference:- Business entities are the things that are stored and maintained by a business component, such as customers or orders. It may be helpful to think of business entities as the nouns in the application. Entities always contain data, and may contain processing capabilities that can act on that data. Each of these business entities has its own particular benefits and its own set of drawbacks, such as limited liability ease of set-up and the level of bureaucracy, which is required to run them When choosing a form of business entity, compare the tax, liability and management impacts of a sole proprietorship, corporation or flow through to see which will work best for your arts / crafts business. Reference:- Note; The structure your business assumes is important in determining your limitations and liabilities. Depending on the type of structure you choose, additional paperwork may be necessary to establish the business, may your accountant help you to decide what type of business structure best fits your needs. Q2) Describe the Accounting Process in the terms of a) Recording b) Analysing c) Interpreting Financial Data Ans: Accounting Process: Accountings process is an overview of the step of the accounting cycle, beginning with a transaction and ending with the closing of the book and reversing, book keeping is the actual recording of the companys transaction, The recording process in accounting is the process of summarizing, classifying, and recording analysed transaction data in the journal in a systematic and chronological order and posted those to the ledger. The process of Recording transction in the journal is call journalizing. When the accounting process is complete a set of financial statements is issued. Financial statements are crucial for investment decisions, tax assessments, and conflicts resolution, Analysing a transaction grant reliance and relevance to the financial information, accounting information must be reliable and relevant, When analysing transactions the following questions should be posted and answered: 1) what are the accounts involved in a transaction? 2) What are the classifications of the accounts involved? Are they Assets, Liabilities, Owners Equity, Revenue, or Expense accounts? 3) Are the accounts increased? 4) Are the accounts decreased? Business transactions are events that have a direct economic impact on an entity and are expressed in terms of money. Interpreting performance of the business to the management and its owners, The purpose of financial accounting statements is mainly to show the the financial position of a business at a particular point in the time and show the how the business is going on, Financial information is always prepared to satisfy in some way the need of various interested parties, The process by which accounting information is collected,reported interpreted and and actioned is called finacial manegment, Q3) Explain the term Accounting and the 3 purposes discussed earlier Ans:- Accounting is a business discipline that allows companies to record, analyse and retrieve critical financial information that can be used to determine a companys financial status and provide reports and insights needed to make sound financial decisions, The primary purpose of accounting is to identify and record all activities that impact the organization financially, that will help the various external and internal parties of the business to appraise the profitability as well as the solvency of the business. The three main financial statements that are prepared for the purpose of accounting information are as follows Him There are three purposes of accounting, the first one is to make sure the that all you have everything that you need to run a successful business that include that you have the right stock, which is recorded its means keep stock the business, The second purpose of accounting is for score keeping its meaning is to make sure the business has the right stock to make profit,,, Third purpose of the accounting is to analysing the information about the business profit and lose, to help the business direct area, where is the best profit can be made, For example; to buy the things that sale the most to make the business profit The above three purpose of accounting are important to run your Business, Q4) Describe the range of Organisational Structures Ans: Organisational are a variant of types of Entities. An organization can be structured in many different ways and styles, depending on their objectives and ambience, Organizational structure allows the expressed allocation of responsibilities for different functions and processes to different entities such as the branch, department, and individual. Individuals in an organizational structure are normally hired under time-limited work contracts or work orders, or under permanent employment contracts or program orders. Director Manager Assistant Manager Front Line Staff Main Staff For example another diagram. Board of Director Chief Executive General Manager Financing Manager Front Line Staff Finance Administration General Line Staff This is a diagram about organisation and structure in business. Q5) Explain the importance of budgeting Ans; Importance of Budgeting. You dont have to over spend, to keep control of your finance shows that you dont over spend. If you spend you going to debt, it means business loss. So you have to control your budgeting in business. It also has record keeping that records how much money you have. If you dont control budgeting your business will not grow successfully. It is also to keep better control of all your finances so that you can buy the right amount of stock which will earn the business a better profit and keep the business going for longer. It helps to keep agreements on all your money for longer periods, for example if you keep a budget plan for 5 years then you have control of not spending the profits that you make. End of assignment